

Three years old determines eighty? What influences personality?

Three years old determines eighty? What influences personality? Written by: Registered educational psychologist, Pang Chi Wah When I arrived at a friend’s birthday party, I saw a group of children milling around, having a good time. In another corner of the living room, several children were engrossed in reading their beloved extracurricular books, completely absorbed in their activity. The distinction between active and quiet children became immediately apparent. Are these traits of being active or quiet innate qualities encoded in our genetic makeup, or are they shaped by the nurturing and parenting methods of our upbringing? Stepping into the nursery room at the hospital, one can witness a variety of behaviors among the infants. Despite their

Encountering a ‘mismatched’ child is an opportunity for parents to grow

Encountering a ‘mismatched’ child is an opportunity for parents to grow Written by: Lai Shun Mei, Family Dynamics Counselor and Global Career Developer When a child is born, people like to discuss his appearance, using his resemblance to his parents as a topic of conversation, and talk about which attractive features he has inherited from them. As he grows older and his temperament begins to show, they also like to explore whose personality he resembles. It is generally easier to get along with someone who has a similar temperament because similar personalities and preferences make it easier to connect. If a child has a temperament similar to their parents, it seems to make parenting easier. However,

Whose trash is it? The cultivation of children’s character must be achieved through home-school cooperation to be successful

Whose trash is it? The cultivation of children’s character must be achieved through home-school cooperation to be successful Written by: Mr. Cheung Wai Ching, Principal There are two scenes in front of us: Scene One: On a bustling street, a little boy walking with his parents notices a discarded soda can at his feet. He picks up the can, intending to throw it into a nearby trash bin. However, his mother sees this and demands that he throw the can away, but the boy refuses. Then, his father comes over and scolds him, “Idiot, how can you pick up such dirty things? You’re not a street cleaner!” The little boy responds, “The teacher said we should

Improve reading and learning ability

Improve reading and learning ability Written by: Founder and Volunteer Secretary-General of GLP, Lam Ho Pei Yee   A child’s learning ability, whether strong or weak, is not innate; it is largely developed through training. Logical reasoning is a crucial component of reading methods. Some parents use “teaching reference books” intended for teachers, giving them a sneak peek at the lesson content prepared by the teacher. On the surface, this seems to help children grasp the key points of the teacher’s lessons and accurately understand the classroom content more easily. In reality, however, it deprives children of the valuable opportunity to enhance their own learning abilities. Most people agree that the purpose of education is to

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